Wednesday, February 25, 2015


"Life is not always like the spring and summer, it is only complete when caressed 

by winter and storms ... 

Times change things, situations and people! Sometimes the past seems brighter 

than the dark present...“

Walking in aisle of memory lane,

Those peaceful times with zero pain.

How I wish I was the same single woman,

Feels like I am shot down by a bloody gun.

    Falling in love was out of my life's syllabus,

    I abided by it without a fuss.

    Tired of justifying that I really was single,

    Erasing the only word in my dictionary - 'Mingle'.

Contradicting and breaking my beliefs and ethics,

I fell in love and emotions were a mix,

'Twas the best miracle that ever happened to me,

Life was never so full of glee.

    Today I look back at every single blow,

    I can feel my heart beat getting slow.

    For the dedication and love this was my gift,

    From the dark present to the peaceful past, I needed to drift.

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