Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Am I enough?

"Adulting is not easy, it is the time you reflect on your growth!

You have so many questions popping in your mind like self doubts,

purpose of life, existential thoughts and what not!

It is a continuous process of working every day to accept who

I am yet, at times my thoughts do run wild.

Here is a snippet that I inked on a gloomy day"

I often tend to ask myself,

Am I enough? is all of this worth it?

What is the point of life really?

Who am I even? What is my purpose?

    This follows the self-doubts filled masquerade.

Proceeded by tears of overwhelming confusion -

    My gut says, "I'm here to change the world",

    My heart and head disagree in doubt.

I can move people and perhaps mountains,

How do I get there to make all the difference?

Will I be stuck in this societal rut forever?

Will I ever have the will to just live free.

    I know I often feel the weight of the world,

    Getting heavier by the minute on my shoulders,

    I think I simply need to clear my mind,

    And follow my gut believing, "I can be".

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