Walking in aisle of memory lane,
Those peaceful times with zero pain.
How I wish I was the same single woman,
Feels like I am shot down by a bloody gun.
Falling in love was out of my life's syllabus,
I abided by it without a fuss.
Tired of justifying that I really was single,
Erasing the only word in my dictionary - 'Mingle'.
Contradicting and breaking my beliefs and ethics,
I fell in love and emotions were a mix,
'Twas the best miracle that ever happened to me,
Life was never so full of glee.
Today I look back at every single blow,
I can feel my heart beat getting slow.
For the dedication and love this was my gift,
From the dark present to the peaceful past, I needed to drift.
"Amma" was the first word, I uttered after birth,
You've known me since before I crash landed mother earth.
Mom is the most precious gift a child could possess
Since childhood you've always been my only graceful Goddess!
You look so young, despite your age,
You're so kind and pure like the sage-
Words fall short to describe what you are to me
With you around my life is filled with over-pouring Glee.
With your love, care and heartfelt blessings,
I strived for perfection with your guidance.
You've been my friend, mentor and more,
When I’m hurt, your words were the best cure.
Oh my Mom, I am lucky and I love you a lot
You mean so much to me and what not!
All I pray to God is to keep you Happy and Healthy
Your well-being is what makes me most Wealthy.
A very happy Birthday Amma!!!